Vocational education and training in Spain

VET institutions

All the Vocational Training offer in the Basque Country:

All the offer at national level (Spain) is in the web of the Ministry of Education:
Each school/High School has a counsellor that helps students choose their paths. They give and explain the options that best suit the students. So, while kids are in High School, depending on their progress, they can choose what they are going to go next.


Eucational options

There are a lot of Schools and VET centres in our area. These entities can offer one or several levels of education, from High School/Secondary Education (EQF levels 2,3,4) to Higher VET (EQF level 5).

Somorrostro, for example, offers all of them.
In Spain we have 3 types of VET: Basic VET, VET and Higher VET. All of them last 2 years. And now in Spain almost all schools offer the DUAL program, where students combine studies and work.

Basic VET (EQF3): For students that don’t finish High School/Secondary education. Young students that have trouble completing conventional studies. After finishing this they can access VET

VET (EQF4): Students can start right after High School/Secondary education, around age 16. After finishing this they can access the Higher VET.

Higher VET (EQF5): Students who finish High School and Bachiller (2years of school before university) can take this, around age 18. The main 2 options in Spain that students are presented with at this level are University Degree or Higher VET Degree.

Depending on the level the study areas can vary a bit.


Possible VET careers and how to get there

The VET system is divided into families. There are 26 of them:
-Physical and sport activities
-Administration and management
-Graphic arts
-Arts and crafts
-Commerce and marketing
-Electricity and electronics
-Energy and water
-Building and civil works
-Mechanical manufacturing
-Hospitality industry and tourism
-Extractive industries
-Computing and communications
-Installation and maintenance
-Personal image
-Picture and sound
-Food industries
-Wood, furniture and cork
-Maritime/fishing industry
-Safety and environment
-Socio-cultural and community services
-Textile, clothing and leather
-Transport and vehicle maintenance
-Glass and ceramics
VET students have not always been seen as the most valuable. However, with time things have started to change a bit. Before University degrees were most valued in the labour market, but now Spanish companies value more and more workers that come from VET centres and who have good practical skills.
There are different entities promoted by the government and/or the municipalities that help people find a job. The main entity in the area is Lanbide, the Basque Employment Service, which is part of the Basque Government, and anyone can access it: https://www.lanbide.euskadi.eus/inicio-lanbide/

And there are smaller entities in the municipalities that are managed by city councils.

In many VET schools there is also a department that helps mainly students and alumni enter the labour market. In Somorrostro for example, CAE.

At national level, the INEM or SEPE, the State Employment Service, has all the job offers and many other resources for unemployed people: https://www.sepe.es/HomeSepe


Additional information

All the information about VET: general information, access, study options, etc. can be found in the website of the Department of Education of the Basque Government: https://www.euskadi.eus/gobierno-vasco/fp-educacion/